Local Representative and Registered Agent Service
MexicanIncorporation can act on your company’s behalf in Mexico as its legal representative. If your operation requires someone to represent your interests in Mexico, monitor various aspects of your project, or act as a an intermediary, MexicanIncorporation can provide this service as well as provide on-line monitoring for all aspects. We can receive service of process, safeguard your operation’s local affairs, monitor compliance issues and act on your company’s behalf in almost any capacity.
- Legally required tax domicile
- Local office
- Regulatory compliance monitoring
- Service of process
- Project oversight
- Attorney of fact
- Property and asset management
- Bank accounts
- Any other issue requested by the client
The Mexican government imposes many residence and complex restrictions upon foreign companies doing business in Mexico. MexicanIncorporation can assist your company in just about any capacity. Please contact us for a no-cost consultation. Click here.