(+1) 888-540-0623 info@mexicanincorporation.com

Agreement and Contract Drafting, and Negotiation

MexicanIncorporation prepares all agreements in Spanish and English – or whatever language you decide. Despite the fact that many business people in Mexico prefer oral agreements as opposed to written contracts, putting the “deal on paper” is essential to mitigating litigation risk. MexicanIncorporation can prepare contracts refined to account for the specific circumstances of your project and dramatically reduce risks, clearly establish the expectations of the parties and furthermore take into account the unique difficulties companies often encounter when doing business in Mexico.

  • Bilingual agreements available in Spanish, English and other languages
  • Distribution agreements
  • Labor and employment contracts
  • Service agreements
  • Sales contracts
  • Product licensing
  • Settlement agreements
  • Investment agreements
  • Government procurement agreements
  • Infrastructure
  • and more…

To learn more about what how MexicanIncorporation prepare an agreement that best leads to your next successful business project in Mexico, please contact us for a no-cost consultation.

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– A Detailed Project Proposal
– A No-Cost Consultation
– Absolutely No-Spam or Information Sharing

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